fot. Arkadiusz Szadkowski (88)

ULICA Festival – phenomenal shows, theatre performances, happenings, improvisations, and, last but not least, intimate as well as large-scale outdoor productions.
All this takes place every year in the most beautiful streets and squares of Krakow >>> FOR YOU.

There, surprise meets delight, amazement meets admiration, and the spontaneous joy of dance, music and colour invites everyone to celebrate life together.

It is a time when THEATRE, art and the imagination of artists from all over the world take to the STREETS to entertain, illuminate and fill your day with new emotions. There are no tickets or reservations. All you need to do is show up… Feel the shift in your mood, feel the happiness pulsating through your body more and more.

See how hard the directors, creators, actors, circus performers and organisers try to awaken the spontaneous joy of existence in you.
See how direct contact with the Theatre changes your life. Discover how shared moments sitting on the ground can be wonderfully stunning and fascinating.

Let’s meet
Let’s celebrate the uniqueness of life TOGETHER 

Join us at the 34th edition of the ULICA Festival
>>> our detailed programme is HERE
>>> if you want to see what the ULICA Festival is all about, check out our CHRONICLE HERE

A great variety of theatre is available to you
in the urban spaces of Krakow,
because Jerzy Zoń created ULICA Festival >>> CLOSER TO YOU and FOR YOU. 

>>> 34 years
>>> over 400 theatres
>>> over 2,000 festival events
>>> over 2,500,000 spectators

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