The joy of a backyard regained

This year’s edition of the ULICA festival, held under the theme of The joy of a backyard regained, is devoted to broadly understood phenomena, issues and characters which we can help us to return to places that we know very well, although they are now consigned to onlivion. To all those places that we never grow out of and to which we happily return. 

The area next to a building, apart from being considered as a very safe place, is often associated with carefree fun, a place of getting together and joint entertainment. Its appeal, despite the frequently modest space, dilapidated walls, the neighborhood of garbage dumps and the lack of anonymity, was once rooted in the sense of community – in its collective nature. Everything there was done together: children explored every inch of free space, erected buildings of sand and huts of branches. They played hide-and-seek, climbed trees, and the response to their mothers shouting „Come home!” was always „Just a moment.”  

The backyard was a place of mischief, creativity, making something out of nothing and unbridled fun. However, the chatter heard there once has now died down. Nowadays our backyards are empty, as they have been replaced by the attractions of the virtual world. 

The theatre which chooses streets, squares and courtyards for its performances, offers an unprecedented opportunity to return to the „promised lands”. It also gives a guarantee of uninhibited joy that flows from their recovery. 

Come to this year’s ULICA festival, organised between the 6th and the 9th of July, hoping for all the emotions that you have long forgotten and now think that returning to them is not possibile Any more. Close your eyes like a clown from the festival poster and give yourself to dreams. 


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