’Peregrinus’ directed by Jerzy Zoń in Lithuania

fot. Bartek Cieniawa

’Peregrinus’, directed by Jerzy Zoń has already visited almost the whole world. Today is time for … Lithuania.

On May 20-24, International Puppet Theatre Festival KAUNAS PUPPET22 takes place as part of 'Kaunas – European Capital of Culture 2022′.

During this year’s edition, Lithuanian theater lovers will have the opportunity to watch our performance twice – on May 21 and 22 at 6.00 p.m.

The entire festival program >>> here

The masked faces of Teatr KTO’s performers have become one of the most striking images of the 2016 festival. The acclaimed Polish theatre company takes to the streets of New York as part of FringeAl Fresco, with free,  outdoor performances that explore the meaning of life when it is deprived of spirituality, love and beauty.

Playbill (New York)

PEREGRINUS. EXHIBITION II, photo Bartek Cieniawa, San Diego 2019
San Diego, photo: Bartek Cieniawa


PEREGRINUS. EXHIBITION 2021, fot. Bartek Cieniawa, Nowy Jork
New York, photo: Bartek Cieniawa


PEREGRINUS EXHIBITION 2021, photo Bartek Cieniawa, Beijing
Beijing, photo: Bartek Cieniawa


PEREGRINUS EXHIBITION 2021, fot. Bartek Cieniawa, Londyn
London, photo: Bartek Cieniawa
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