What does The Time smell like?

Na pierwszym planie trójkołowy rowerek. Za rowerkiem, plecami do obiektywu stoi mężczyzna ubrany w poszarpany kostium. Ma bose stopy, na plecach trzyma akordeon. Obok niego chłopiec w niebieskim ubranku i czarnym kaszkiecie. Oboje patrzą przed siebie na wynurzające się z dymu cztery kobiety w czarnych sukienkach, na bosaka i z małymi tobołkami na ramieniu. Wszystko oświetlone mocnym, niebieskim światłem. Z lewej strony za barierkami publiczność.
fot. Arkadiusz Szadkowski

Jerzy Zoń, the director of the performance „The Fragrance of Time”, looks for answers to this question in his biography and the work of Gabriel Garcia Márquez, Hugo Claus and Emil Zegadłowicz. Thanks to his considerations, by more than hour, the audience are led on a trail of various reflections, picturesquely presented in subsequent scenes full of childhood fantasies, dreams visions, hopes and fears.


The poetry and melancholy of street theatre kidnapped the audience and took it into the world of Zoń. The actors perform in fascinating fashion to the music of Tchaikovsky. This vivid story is full of hidden dreams and fears. (…) Instead of heavy intellectual scenes there is a gentle spontaneity and a stirring pleasantness in watching.

Urlich Schönborn, The Wonderful World of Mr Zoń, Nordwest-Zeitung, Oldenburg


From many years, The KTO Theater has been famous for its travels. We do not cease to present shows in the city space, so in August, „The Fragramnce of Time” will be possible to see in two cities:

  • 13.08. in Chełmno as part of „Perspektywy – 9 Hills Festival”
  • 14.08. in Niepołomice
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