The Sunshine Boys, 18.02.2021, 2nd dress rehearsal, photo Norbert Burkowski
fot. Norbert Burkowski

This weekend, on the stage of Krakow Chamber Opera, we will see again Neil Simon’s hugely popular comedy The Sunshine Boys, directed by Paweł Szumiec.

We already have the first brilliant review of the performance, a text by Wiola Imiolczyk „Two elderly gentlemen who still got the theatre bug”. A fragment of the review below and the complete text is available in Polish on e-teatr.pl.

It is rare to see a good comedy – not exaggerated and not leaning towards a bad farce, entertaining on the one hand, and evoking reflection on the other. Seeing The Sunshine Boys by the KTO Theatre is a real pleasure, experienced on many levels. It is intelligent entertainment with common but true wisdom, a show where we meet excellent actors and celebrate their jubilee with them. It is also an opportunity to spend a pleasant evening in a cosy space, in direct contact with live theatre without the intermediary of a computer screen.

Have a good weekend with the KTO Theatre!

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