THE BLIND. A performance WITHOUT WORDS. The ONLINE Premiere at the 33. ULICA Street Theatre Festival! Sat, September 5, 7:30 pm


Today, we would like to invite you – especially those who will not be able to make it to Krakow for the 33. ULICA – to the Polish ONLINE premiere (but available worldwide) of one of the favourite performances of the KTO Theatre, loved by our audience scattered around the world.

Six years ago, the KTO Theatre inaugurated the FiraTàrrega festival with „The Blind” based on José Saramago’s novel „Blindness”. The performance was watched by the inhabitants of Catalonia in a direct television broadcast, and via online streaming – all over Spain. Back then, it was an exciting technical novelty. Today, a sad theatre festival reality, when a live meeting with the audience is a unique treat.

That is why we are inviting those who are in Krakow to see „The Blind” on the Krakow Market Square this Saturday!

And additionally, wherever you are in the world, join us this Saturday evening (7:30 pm) on the KTO Theatre FB profile and YouTube channel to watch our performance in real-time.

Photo: Michał Zakrzewski

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