The 2nd Student Performance Review AKTOMAR

fot. Norbert Burkowski

AKTOMAR refers to the tradition of student reviews, during which the work of young interdisciplinary artists dealing with performing arts, who are at the beginning of their artistic path, is presented. The idea behind the review is the possibility of creating a testing ground recognizable on the map of Poland, which stimulates the integration of the university, theater and local communities. The program presented every year at the KTO Theater in Krakow includes performances, satires trashes (original : ramotki), ephemeral etudes, concerts, installations and interdisciplinary activities.

13 stycznia >>> tickets 20 PLN
14 stycznia >>> tickets 20 PLN

The 2nd Student Performance Review will be attended  by students with theirs emcees from the following universities:

  • Academy of Fine Arts the Władysław Strzemiński in Łódź, leader lecturer: Katarzyna Kozyra , PhD.
  • Academy of Fine Arts the Eugeniusz Geppert in Wroclaw , leader lecturer : Ewa Zarzycka , PhD.
  • Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk , leader lecturer : Grzogorz Klaman , Grzegorz Klaman , Prof.
  • Art University the Magdalena Abakanowicz in Poznan, leader lecturer : Janusz Bałdyga , Prof.
  • Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw , leader lecturer : Mirosław Bałka, Prof.
  • Faculty of Arts of the University of Zielona Góra , leader lecturer : Aleksandra Kubiak , PhD.
  • Academy of Art in Szczecin , leader lecturer : Zorka Wolny ,PhD.hab. , Dariusz Fodczuk , PhD. , Julia Kurek , PhD.hab.
  • Faculty of Arts of the University the Maria Curie-Sklodowska in Lublin , leader lecturer : Robert Kuśmirowski , PhD.hab.
  • Academy of Fine Arts the Jan Matejko in Cracow ( Krakow ) , leader lecturer : Artur Grabowski PhD.hab. , Justyna Górowska, PhD. , Artur Tajber , Prof.


In addition, precursors of performance art in Poland were also invited to participate in the program: Władysław Kaźmierczak and Ewa Rybska.


photo: Norbert Burkowski


photo: Norbert Burkowski


photo: Norbert Burkowski


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