„Peregrinus” in London

"Peregrinus" na Bell Square w 2016 r._fot. mat. internetowe

On October 22, at 2 p.m. „Peregrinus”, a no words show created by Jerzy Zoń, will be shown for the second time at BELL SQUARE in London. The first presentation in this extraordinary space took place in 2016.


Bell Square is an exciting outdoor arts space in the heart of Hounslow, launched in 2014. It’s a place where anyone and everyone can come to see some of the best outdoor performers in the world, for free. Featuring anything from circus to dance to acrobats, the shows aim to delight and inspire people whether they’re 4 or 84. Situated at the end of Hounslow High Street, it’s a permanent outdoor space. A large square, with seating and standing space, there are performances every other Saturday.


More about BELL SQUARE and „Peregrinus” >>> here

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