KTO Theatre festival presentations – the inauguration of the season!

Prezentacje festiwalowe Teatru KTO - inauguracja sezonu!

Exactly a year ago we practised in KTO Theatre the skill of bilocation. In the third weekend of June, we presented our performances at the Theatre Olympics in Sankt Petersburg, as well as at festivals in Bremen and Vilnius.

Mid-June this year, we inaugurate our festival season. We return (with the fifth title from the KTO Theatre’s repertoire) to Romanian Sibiu, which in mid-June becomes the capital of the world theatre. Founded in 1993 by Constantin Chiriac, the festival has grown over the course of almost three decades into an impressive and complementary concept of a theatre festival.

In good company, as always at Festivalul International de Theatre de la Sibiu, we present Jerzy Zon’s The Fragrance of Time, which returned our repertoire in 2018. It is one of three Polish performances (next to Krzysztof Warlikowski’s The Frenchmen and Grzegorz Bral’s Anty-Gone TRIPTYCH) in this year’s unique ONLINE edition of FITS.

You’ll find the link to the festival website and the full program below. Some of this year’s must-see shows include Akram Khan Company, Sasha Waltz & Guests, Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company, Schaubühne Berlin, Needcompany, Odin Teatret – Theatrum Mundi.


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