36. ULICA Festival - Timetable


6.07.2023 | Thursday

13.00 Simon Street Show (France): L’Escale 
→ Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre 

14.00 Fusion Callejera (Argentina/Venezuela): Fusion Callejera 
→ Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre  

15.00 Cía. eLe (Spain): Roulettes 
→ Dworek Białoprądnicki Cultural Centre, 2 Papiernicza Street (garden) 

15.00 Mr Copini (Spain): The Herock 
→ Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre  

15.30 Hilarilar Marionetas (Spain): The Bellhop  
→ Dworek Białoprądnicki Cultural Centre, 2 Papiernicza Street (garden) 

16.00 Aguila Claun (Argentina): Dale Ke Va! 
→ Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre  

16.00 Alex Piras (Italy): TIK-TAK 
→ Dworek Białoprądnicki Cultural Centre, 2 Papiernicza Street (garden) 

16.30 Bence Sarkadi Theater of Marionettes (Hungary): The Budapest Marionettes  
→ Dworek Białoprądnicki Cultural Centre, 2 Papiernicza Street (garden) 

17.00 La Bayka (Chile): Fofi el Cachorro  
→ Dworek Białoprądnicki Cultural Centre, 2 Papiernicza Street (garden) 

17.00 Simon Street Show (France): L’Escale 
→ Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre  

17.30 Cía. eLe (Spain): Roulettes  
→ Dworek Białoprądnicki Cultural Centre, 2 Papiernicza Street (garden)  

18.00 Hilarilar Marionetas (Spain): The Bellhop  
→ Dworek Białoprądnicki Cultural Centre, 2 Papiernicza Street (garden)  

18.00 Manteca al dente (Argentina): Galumphing  
→ Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre  

18.30 Ola Muchin (Poland): Kukuryku 
→ Dworek Białoprądnicki Cultural Centre, 2 Papiernicza Street (garden) 

19.00 Alex Piras (Italy): TIK-TAK 
→ Dworek Białoprądnicki Cultural Centre, 2 Papiernicza Street (garden) 

19.00 Hugo Miró (Spain): HUGO! 
→ Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre  

19.30 Bence Sarkadi Theater of Marionettes (Hungary): The Budapest Marionettes  
→ Dworek Białoprądnicki Cultural Centre, 2 Papiernicza Street (garden)  

7.07.2023 | Friday

11.00 Mr Copini (Spain): The Herock 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower 

11.30 La Bayka (Chile): Fofi el Cachorro  
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

12.00 Aguila Claun (Argentina): Dale Ke Va! 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert 

12.00 Hugo Miró (Spain): HUGO! 
→ Podgórze Market Square (Rynek Podgórski) 

12.00 niMú (Spain): Jacuzzi 
→ Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre 

12.30 Ola Muchin (Poland): Kukuryku 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

13.00 A-rítmiks (Spain): 360º 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower  

13.00 Bence Sarkadi Theater of Marionettes (Hungary): The Budapest Marionettes  
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

13.00 The Theatre of Small Forms (Poland): In Search of Lost Love 
→ Podgórze Market Square (Rynek Podgórski) 

13.30 Hilarilar Marionetas (Spain): The Bellhop  
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

13.30 Pjoter (Poland): The Bachelor 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert 

14.00 Alex Piras (Italy): TIK-TAK 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

14.00 Cía. eLe (Spain): Roulettes  
→ Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre  

14.00 Fusion Callejera (Argentina/Venezuela): Fusion Callejera 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower  

14.00 Manteca al dente (Argentina): Galumphing  
→ Podgórze Market Square (Rynek Podgórski) 

14.00-18.00 The Vagabond Theatre (Poland): Old Homestead  
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

15.00 Central Europe Dance Theatre (Hungary): Audibles  
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert 

15.30 Bence Sarkadi Theater of Marionettes (Hungary): The Budapest Marionettes  
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

15.30 The Theatre of Small Forms (Poland): I the Clown 
→ Podgórze Market Square (Rynek Podgórski) 

16.00 Adrian Schvarzstein & Jūratė Širvytė-Rukštelė (Spain/Lithuania): Arrived  
→ Szeroka Street 

16.00 A-rítmiks (Spain): 360º 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower  

16.00 Hilarilar Marionetas (Spain): The Bellhop 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

16.30 Alex Piras (Italy): TIK-TAK 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

16.30 niMú (Spain): Jacuzzi 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert  

17.00 Felix the Clown (Poland): Felix the Clown Show  
→ Podgórze Market Square (Rynek Podgórski) 

17.00 The Konin Dance Theatre (Poland): Shtetl 
→ the square by the Old Synagogue, 24 Szeroka Street 

17.15 Hugo Miró (Spain): HUGO! 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert  

17.30 La Bayka (Chile): Fofi el Cachorro  
→ Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre  

18.00 Manteca al dente (Argentina): Galumphing  
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower 

18.00 The KTO Theatre (Poland): C’est la vie | premiere 
→ Podgórze Market Square (Rynek Podgórski) 

18.30 Cía. eLe (Spain): Roulettes  
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

18.30 Ola Muchin (Poland): Kukuryku 
→ Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre  

19.00 Adrian Schvarzstein & Jūratė Širvytė-Rukštelė (Spain/Lithuania): Arrived  
→ Szeroka Street  

19.00 Central Europe Dance Theatre (Hungary): Audibles  
→ Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre  

19.00 Hugo Miró (Spain): HUGO! 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert  

19.00 niMú (Spain): Jacuzzi 
→ Podgórze Market Square (Rynek Podgórski) 

19.00 The Puppet and Actor Theatre in Łomża (Poland): Karius and Baktus 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

20.00 The KTO Theatre (Poland): Arcadia 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert 

20.00 The KTO Theatre (Poland): Lives of the Neighborhood Saints. District XIII  
→ the courtyard at 23 Zamoyskiego Street* 

21.00 Arti Grabowski and Zbigniew Szumski – Cinema Theatre (Poland): Building Conditions 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower  

21.00 The Mumerus Theatre Association (Poland): Manelle 
→ KTO Theatre, 50 Zamoyskiego Street (garden)* 

22.00 Firebirds (Hungary): Pyrodise 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower  

23.00 The KTO Theatre (Poland): Peregrinus 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert  


* admission with free entrance cards –available at the information point (Main Market Square, by the Town Hall Tower) from the 7th of July

8.07.2023 | Saturday

11.00 Fusion Callejera (Argentina/Venezuela): Fusion Callejera 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower  

11.00 Simon Llewellyn (Finland): We are the Champions 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

12.00 Aguila Claun (Argentina): Dale Ke Va! 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert  

12.00 Hilarilar Marionetas (Spain): The Bellhop  
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

12.30 Cía. eLe (Spain): Roulettes  
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

12.30 The Theatre of Small Forms (Poland): I the Clown 
→ Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre 

13.00 Alex Piras (Italy): TIK-TAK 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek)  

13.00 Simon Street Show (France): L’Escale 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert  

13.30 A-rítmiks (Spain): 360º 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower 

13.30 Bence Sarkadi Theater of Marionettes (Hungary): The Budapest Marionettes  
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek)  

14.00 The Ensemble of Irregular Theatre (Slovakia): Welcome to Stupidity 
→ Podgórze Market Square (Rynek Podgórski) 

14.00 Hilarilar Marionetas (Spain): The Bellhop 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

14.00 The KTO Theatre (Poland): Peregrinus 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower  

14.00-18.00 The Vagabond Theatre (Poland): Old Homestead  
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

14.30 Cía. eLe (Spain): Roulettes 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek)  

14.30 The Mimo Pantomime Theatre (Poland): Mr & Mrs O! 
→ Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre  

15.00 Bence Sarkadi Theater of Marionettes (Hungary): The Budapest Marionettes  
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek)  

15.00 Simon Llewellyn (Finland): We are the Champions 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower  

15.30 Aguila Claun (Argentina): Dale Ke Va! 
→ Podgórze Market Square (Rynek Podgórski) 

15.30 Alex Piras (Italy): TIK-TAK 
→ Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre   

15.30 Simon Street Show (France): L’Escale 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

16.00 Adrian Schvarzstein & Jūratė Širvytė-Rukštelė (Spain/Lithuania): Arrived  
→ Szeroka Street 

16.00 A-rítmiks (Spain): 360º 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower 

16.00 La Bayka (Chile): Fofi el Cachorro 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek)  

16.00 Pjoter (Poland): The Bachelor 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert  

16.30 Hilarilar Marionetas (Spain): The Bellhop 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek)  

17.00 Hugo Miró (Spain): HUGO! 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert  

17.00 The Konin Dance Theatre (Poland): Shtetl 
→ the square by the Old Synagogue, 24 Szeroka Street 

17.00 Ola Muchin (Poland): Kukuryku 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

17.00 Simon Llewellyn (Finland): We are the Champions 
→ Podgórze Market Square (Rynek Podgórski) 

18.00 Cía. eLe (Spain): Roulettes  
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

18.00 The Ensemble of Irregular Theatre (Slovakia): Welcome to Stupidity 
→ Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre   

18.00 The KTO Theatre (Poland): C’est la vie 
→ Podgórze Market Square (Rynek Podgórski) 

18.30 niMú (Spain): Jacuzzi 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert  

19.00 Adrian Schvarzstein & Jūratė Širvytė-Rukštelė (Spain/Lithuania): Arrived 
→ Szeroka Street 

19.00 Alex Piras (Italy): TIK-TAK 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

19.00 The Vuala Lviv Theatre (Ukraine): The Colours of Circus 
→ Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre    

19.00 Simon Street Show (France): L’Escale 
→ Podgórze Market Square (Rynek Podgórski) 

19.30 Stage 96 Theatre (Poland): A Black Swan 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek)  

20.00 The KTO Theatre (Poland): Lives of the Neighborhood Saints. District XIII 
→ the courtyard at 23 Zamoyskiego Street* 

21.00 Arti Grabowski and Zbigniew Szumski – Cinema Theatre (Poland): Building Conditions 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower 

21.00 The Mumerus Theatre Association (Poland): Manelle 
→ KTO Theatre, 50 Zamoyskiego Street (garden)* 

22.00 The KTO Theatre (Poland): Arcadia 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert  

23.00 The Los Fuegos Theatre (Poland): Tales of the Earth 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower 


* admission with free entrance cards –available at the information point (Main Market Square, by the Town Hall Tower) from the 7th of July

9.07.2023 | Sunday

11.00 Bence Sarkadi Theater of Marionettes (Hungary): The Budapest Marionettes  
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

11.00 niMú (Spain): Jacuzzi 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower  

11.30 Hilarilar Marionetas (Spain): The Bellhop 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

12.00 Alex Piras (Italy): TIK-TAK 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

12.00 The KTO Theatre (Poland): Peregrinus 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower  

12.30 Simon Street Show (France): L’Escale 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

13.00 Fusion Callejera (Argentina/Venezuela): Fusion Callejera 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert  

13.00 Simon Llewellyn (Finland): We are the Champions 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

13.30 The Theatre of Small Forms (Poland): In Search of Lost Love 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower  

14.00 Hilarilar Marionetas (Spain): The Bellhop 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

14.00 Manteca al dente (Argentina): Galumphing 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower  

14.00-18.00 The Vagabond Theatre (Poland): Old Homestead 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek)  

14.30 Bence Sarkadi Theater of Marionettes (Hungary): The Budapest Marionettes 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek)  

14.30 The Ensemble of Irregular Theatre (Slovakia): Welcome to Stupidity Witamy w głupocie 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert  

15.30 Alex Piras (Italy): TIK-TAK 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek)  

15.30 Hugo Miró (Spain): HUGO! 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert  

15.30 Simon Street Show (France): L’Escale 
→ Dworek Białoprądnicki Cultural Centre, 2 Papiernicza Street (garden) 

16.00 Adrian Schvarzstein & Jūratė Širvytė-Rukštelė (Spain/Lithuania): Arrived 
→ Szeroka Street 

16.30 Bence Sarkadi Theater of Marionettes (Hungary): The Budapest Marionettes  
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek)  

16.30 Pjoter (Poland): The Bachelor 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert  

17.00 The Konin Dance Theatre (Poland): Shtetl  
→ the square by the Old Synagogue, 24 Szeroka Street 

17.00 Mr Copini (Spain): The Herock 
→ Dworek Białoprądnicki Cultural Centre, 2 Papiernicza Street (garden)  

17.00 niMú (Spain): Jacuzzi 
→ Podgórze Market Square (Rynek Podgórski) 

17.30 Simon Street Show (France): L’Escale 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

17.30 The Theatre of Small Forms (Poland): In Search of Lost Love 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower  

18.00 The KTO Theatre (Poland): Arcadia 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert 

18.00 The KTO Theatre (Poland): C’est la vie 
→ Podgórze Market Square (Rynek Podgórski) 

18.00 The Mimo Pantomime Theatre (Poland): Mr & Mrs O! 
→ Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) 

19.00 Adrian Schvarzstein & Jūratė Širvytė-Rukštelė (Spain/Lithuania): Arrived 
→ Szeroka Street 

19.00 Hugo Miró (Spain): HUGO! 
→ Podgórze Market Square (Rynek Podgórski) 

19.00 The Vuala Lviv Theatre (Ukraine): The Colours of Circus 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower  

20.00 A-rítmiks (Spain): 360º 
→ KTO Theatre, 50 Zamoyskiego Street (garden)* 

20.00 The KTO Theatre (Poland): Lives of the Neighborhood Saints. District XIII 
→ the courtyard at 23 Zamoyskiego Street* 

21.00 Arti Grabowski and Zbigniew Szumski – Cinema Theatre (Poland): Building Conditions 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower  

21.00 The Mumerus Theatre Association (Poland): Manelle 
→ KTO Theatre, 50 Zamoyskiego Street (garden)* 

22.00 Firebirds (Hungary): Pyrodise 
→ Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert 


* admission with free entrance cards –available at the information point (Main Market Square, by the Town Hall Tower) from the 7th of July 



7.07.2023 | Friday

18.00 The Vuala Lviv Theatre (Ukraine): The Colours of Circus 
→ Main Square (Rynek) 

19.00 Fusion Callejera (Argentina/Venezuela): Fusion Callejera 
→ the square by the Limanowa Cultural Centre, 4 Bronisława Czecha Street 

8.07.2023 | Saturday

16.00 Felix the Clown (Poland): Felix the Clown Show 
→ the square by the Limanowa Cultural Centre, 4 Bronisława Czecha Street 

17.00 Mr Copini (Spain): The Herock 
→ the square by the Limanowa Cultural Centre, 4 Bronisława Czecha Street 

18.00 Firebirds (Hungary): Pyrodise 
→ Main Square (Rynek)  

9.07.2023 | Sunday

16.00 Stage 96 Theatre (Poland): A Black Swan 
→ the square by the Limanowa Cultural Centre, 4 Bronisława Czecha Street  

17.00 La Bayka (Chile): Fofi el Cachorro  
→ the square by the Limanowa Cultural Centre, 4 Bronisława Czecha Street  

17.30 The Puppet and Actor Theatre in Łomża (Poland): Karius and Baktus 
→ the square by the Limanowa Cultural Centre, 4 Bronisława Czecha Street  

18.30 Ola Muchin (Poland): Kukuryku 
→ the square by the Limanowa Cultural Centre, 4 Bronisława Czecha Street  

19.00 Cía. eLe (Spain): Roulettes 
→ the square by the Limanowa Cultural Centre, 4 Bronisława Czecha Street  

21.00 The Los Fuegos Theatre (Poland): Tales of the Earth 
→ Main Square (Rynek) 


8.07.2023 | Saturday

14.00 niMú (Spain): Jacuzzi 
→ Main Square (Rynek)  

15.00 Fusion Callejera (Argentina/Venezuela): Fusion Callejera 
→ Town Park 

18.00 The Theatre of Small Forms (Poland): I the Clown 
→ Main Square (Rynek) 

9.07.2023 | Sunday

11.00 Hugo Miró (Spain): HUGO! 
→ Main Square (Rynek)  

13.00 Mr Copini (Spain): The Herock 
→ Main Square (Rynek)  

15.00 Felix the Clown (Poland): Felix the Clown Show 
→ Main Square (Rynek)  

17.30 Manteca al dente (Argentina): Galumphing 
→ Main Square (Rynek)  



7.07.2023 | Friday

15.00 Simon Street Show (France): L’Escale 

15.30 The Mimo Pantomime Theatre (Poland): Mr & Mrs O! 

16.30 Simon Llewellyn (Finland): We are the Champions 

17.30 Stage 96 Theatre (Poland): A Black Swan 

18.30 Aguila Claun (Argentina): Dale Ke Va! 

19.30 Mr Copini (Spain): The Herock 

21.30 The Los Fuegos Theatre (Poland): Tales of the Earth 

8.07.2023 | Saturday

16.00 The Puppet and Actor Theatre in Łomża (Poland): Karius and Baktus 

17.00 Manteca al dente (Argentina): Galumphing 

18.00 Central Europe Dance Theatre (Hungary): Audibles 

19.30 Fusion Callejera (Argentina/Venezuela): Fusion Callejera 




9.07.2023 | Sunday

17.30 Aguila Claun (Argentina): Dale Ke Va! 

18.30 Simon Llewellyn (Finland): We are the Champions 

19.30 Fusion Callejera (Argentina/Venezuela): Fusion Callejera 



4.07.2023 | Tuesday

16.00 Fusion Callejera (Argentina/Venezuela): Fusion Callejera 
→ Town Square 

17.30 Manteca al dente (Argentina): Galumphing 
→ Town Square 

19.30 Fusion Callejera (Argentina/Venezuela): Fusion Callejera 
→ John Paul II Square 

20.30 Manteca al dente (Argentina): Galumphing 
→ John Paul II Square 


1.07.2023 | Saturday

16.00 Manteca al dente (Argentina): Galumphing 
→ os. Chorzeń (playing field) 

17.00 Fusion Callejera (Argentina/Venezuela): Fusion Callejera 
→ os. Chorzeń (playing field) 

18.00 Manteca al dente (Argentina): Galumphing 
→ os. Gosławice (parking lot) 

19.00 Fusion Callejera (Argentina/Venezuela): Fusion Callejera 
→ os. Gosławice (parking lot) 

21.30 The KTO Theatre (Poland): Arcadia 
→ square in front of the Amhitheatre 

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