The Tuner of Combs

Krzysztof Niedźwiedzki

Have you ever been dying of laughter before? If not, you should try!

Krzysztof Niedźwiedzki, director and author of the script

Love stories are never long enough. Especially the ones in which heroes can beat death. This story, devoid of mawkish sentimentality, has nothing to do with sadness, regret or longing. You will find there universal life truths that are worth sticking to, the right dose of black humor necessary to survive whatever fate throws at us, and our hope that the loved ones will never leave us alone. They will stay with us forever and the memories of the moments we have experienced together will never end and we can reminisce about them for many years, laughing and staying in a great mood. The show, balancing on the border of two worlds, is engaging, entertaining and, like most of our comedies, it gives food for thought. 

A humorous, light-hearted show full of intelligent irony which tells the story of a man from Kraków, named Tadeusz (the phenomenal Maciej Słota), who died and was cremated but as a result of avmistake instead of his family grave in the Rakowice Cemetery in Kraków he was buried in a cemetery in Murzasichle, a village in the Tatra mountains, in the grave of a distinguished highlander. (…) Mountain folklore with a pinch of salt, minimalist form and a maximum of well-made theatre.

Anna Kańska-Małachowska,

The dialogues are brisk and witty. But the play is not a simple comedy. It contains questions about human existence, the goals we strive after and about life beyond the grave. And also, isn’t that myth about the uniqueness of highlander folklore, culture and sense of freedom just a bit on the overrated side? The show is really amusing, triggering loud outbursts of laughter again and again (…).

Bartłomiej Kuraś, Gazeta Wyborcza

The show takes the audience into a space between the worlds. To die is easy, but to have comfort after death can be quite challenging. Especially if by mistake one is buried in a mountain village instead of the home city of Krakow.

This is precisely what happened to Tadeusz – the main character of this comedy. He could have accepted the mix-up if it hadn’t been for an exceptionally annoying detail that prevents him from resting in peace.

Attempts to resolve the situation create a whole series of comical situations. But there is also room for a serious reflection on passing, marital relations and love, which does not end with passing.

Script and stage direction
Krzysztof Niedźwiedzki

Jerzy Zając

Elżbieta Firek, Jacek Buczyński, Tadeusz Łomnicki/Jacek Joniec, Paweł Rybak, Maciej Słota

February 25 and 26, 2017

85 minutes

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