Lives of the Neighborhood Saints. District XIII 

08.07: 19.30 Kraków | the courtyard at 23 Zamoyskiego Street*

09.07: 19.30 Kraków | the courtyard at 23 Zamoyskiego Street*

10.07: 19.30 Kraków | the courtyard at 23 Zamoyskiego Street*

* admission with free entrance cards – available at the information point (Main Market Square) from 8th July

Lives of the Neighborhood Saints. District XIII 
Based on Lidia Amejko’s The Lives of the Project-Housing Saints 


The Saints, created by Lidia Amejko, reside in a prefabricated housing estate, although they could live anywhere. Each of us walks by them daily in our district. Social misfits with souls made of concrete, fallen angels hanging out by a liquer store, forgotten prisoners of their own apartments who feed on other people’s lives seen from the window, charming drunks, experts in the treasures found in estate dumpsters, backyard Ophelias talking to themselves, and shady-looking Romeos…  They are desperately trying to add meaning to their lost lives. They talk about their everyday struggle with the hardships of life and raise each story to the rank of a legend. They spin their mumbling hagiographies in anticipation of sanctity. 

We invited them to Podgórze, a charming district of Krakow, where the atmosphere of a small town is combined with the wildness of nature and the metropolitan style rich in museums, pubs and restaurants. We will hear their stories next to the stories of the real inhabitants of Podgórze. We will take a look at the everyday life of the district, learn about the problems and dreams of its dwellers, visit exceptional places created by exceptional people. We will create an Urban legend our of ordinary life and things at our fingertips.  

Written by: Lidia Amejko 
Adaptation and direction: Karina Grabowska-Fiałek 
Music: Aleksander Fiałek 
Video: Wiktor Obrok 

Performers: Karina Grabowska-Fiałek, Aleksander Fiałek, Karol Śmiałek, Magdalena Woleńska 

Duration: 60 minutes 


Teatr KTO | Poland

The KTO Theatre was established in 1977. Its first production was The Garden of Delight. The initial ten performances were closed to the general public and presented to no more than several hundred people. In the following year, however, they were attended by the audience of nearly three thousand in Krakow and some other Polish cities.  
In the 45th year of the company’s operation the statistics are considerably different: over 80 productions, performed indoors and outdoors in Poland and around the world, have been attended by more than 3 000 000 people. The group has visited over 250 cities in over 40 countries on 5 continents. It has performed in Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Iran, Mexico, South Korea, Tunisia, the USA, and almost all the countries in Europe.  
The worldwide stature of the KTO Theatre has also been reflected in its involvement in numerous international projects. Among the most important ones there were Operation Opera, a show created together with the Norwegian National Opera in Oslo, and The Refugees, a theatre installation presented in Leipzig to the audience of 120 000 viewers on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.  
Since the beginning the KTO Theatre has operated under the leadership of Jerzy Zoń. 

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