
09.07: 21.00 Kraków | Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre

10.07: 21.00 Limanowa | Main Square in Limanowa

Teatr Biuro Podróży_Kaspar © Nata Korenovskaia
Teatr Biuro Podróży_Kaspar © Nata Korenovskaia


The production refers to the historical figure of the Kaspar Hauser, knowned as “an orphan of Europe”. Brought up without contact with other people, locked in a small room, he doesn’t know who he is, doesn’t know people and can’t do anything. Presented in the aesthetics of a simple folk tale transferred into the past, Kaspar’s story shows how the social perception of the stranger changes and how his unexpected appearance influences the decisions and actions of the community. 

Directed by: Paweł Szkotak 
Script: Paweł Szkotak and Teatr Biuro Podróży Ensemble 
Stage set design: Paweł Szkotak, cooperation: Joanna Sapkowska, Natalia Kołodziej 
Music: Johann Sebastian Bach – performed by Maciej Bator 

Performers: Bartosz Borowski, Bianca Diaconu, Łukasz Kowalski, Nemanja Miric, Maja Osińska, Paweł Stachowczyk, Marta Strzałko, Karolina Wensierska, Tomasz Wrzalik 

Premiere: Rawicz 2021 
Duration: 55 minutes 

Teatr Biuro Podróży | Poland

Founded by Pawel Szkotak in 1988, the group has developed its own working practice and a recognizable style. Its productions have been shown in over 50 countries on six continents. The company specializes in open air shows. It has also initiated a number of artistic and social projects. It has cooperated with Palestinian refugees in Beyrouth and presented the show Carmen Funebre on the West Bank, in the Iraqi Kurdistan and in the Diyarbakır Region (Turkish Kurdistan). 

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