Distorted Horizon | the final performance ending a workshop

09.07: 16.00 Kraków | Main Market Square, by the Town Hall Tower

PAS - Performance Art Studies #67, Performance Roza Kootstra, fot. Monika Deimling

Distorted Horizon 

The final presentation of a five-day educational programme devoted to performance art in urban space, conducted at the KTO Theatre in the period from the 5th to the10 th of July 2022. 


The workshop will be run by: 

BBB Johannes Deimling as a workshop leader – a visual artist focused on the art of performance, film, drawing and sound. Founder and artistic director of the PAS platform. 

Monika Deimling as a critical observer and workshop photographer – a visual artist focused on photography, embroidery and film. Creative manager and photographer in PAS.  


The horizon is often described in a romantic way as something wide, open, distant and unreachable. And yet the horizon is also found in the city, and when we move around it changes at every turn, with every step we make in urban space. It seems accessible, although we know that when we get closer to it, it changes and turns into a different horizon.  

In “Distorted Horizon”, artists examine the city from the perspective of what is to be found between its specific objects, what is going to happen on the way between them, and how these observations can be used to create a piece of performance art focused on people’s personal horizons and their movements. They try to reflect the energy that flows through the streets and enter into a surprising, fascinating and rich dialogue with the life of the city. The final performance based on the research conducted by PAS will be presented in the heart of Krakow – on the Main Market Square, in the space where all these aspects come together in a unique way. The performance will seek an answer to the question of how, through distortion, it is possible to attract attention and initiate an artistic dialogue. 


The workshops are carried out as part of the project Four Shades of Theatre, co-financed within the framework of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA FM) 2014–2021. 

Performance Art Studies | Germany

PAS | Performance Art Studies is an independent artistic and educational platform dealing with research and training in the field of art. Since 2008, for those interested in performance art, it has been conducting intensive studies, workshops, training and master classes focused on all its aspects – practical, theoretical and philosophical. At the centre of PAS’s work is the process of artistic research, an open and dynamic working atmosphere focused on finding out together how performance art can be used as a tool in art and society. 

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