Building Conditions

7.07 FRI.: 21.00 Kraków | Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower
8.07 SAT.: 21.00 Kraków | Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower
9.07 SUN.: 21.00 Kraków | Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Town Hall Tower

fot. Maciej Dziaczko

Building conditions 


A project on the borderline of visual theatre and performance art created by artists fascinated by the theatre of the absurd as well as the works of surrealists and Tadeusz Kantor. The axis of the message that has dominated this experimental artistic fusion is the art of painting, a square and a line being the leitmotifs of the show. They are metaphorical representations of squares and dividing walls, which are planned and erected by the protagonist – a shaman trying to disenchant the events at the squares such as Heavenly Peace (Tiananmen Square) in 1989, Three Cultures (Plaza de las Tres Culturas) in 1968, and also the walls: Berlin, Palestinian, Chinese and Mexican. 


Screenplay by: Zbigniew Szumski (The Cinema Theatre) and Arti Grabowski 

Directed by: Zbigniew Szumski 


Performed by Arti Grabowski 


Premiere: 2020 

Arti Grabowski and Zbigniew Szumski – Cinema Theatre | Poland

Arti Grabowski is a Polish interdisciplinary artist focused on painting, sculpture and performance art, as well as an actor and stage director. Since 2004, he has been teaching at the Faculty of Sculpture of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, holding the positions of assistant professor, co-leader, and currently the manager of the first ever graduate programme in performance art in Poland. He is also involved in the organisation of events promoting performance art as the  the curator of the performance art programmes of the A Part International Festival of Theatres (2005, 2006) the Interakcje International Festival of Action Art (2011) and the Bipolar International Meetings of Performers. 

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