
7.07 FRI.: 15.00 Kraków | Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the church of St. Adalbert
7.07 FRI.: 19.00 Kraków | Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego Square by the Galeria Krakowska Shopping Centre
8.07 SAT.: 18.00 Tarnów | Main Square (Rynek)

fot. Dusa Gábor


One of the legacies of our age is the sound pollution that we no longer hear, even though it surrounds us all the time. The noise of the city, throbbing sharply, is no longer noticeable, and if not the city, then the instrument pressed to our ear will „silence” the outside world. 

What are we supposed to hear when we listen inwards or when we want to understand the other? How can we make ourselves heard when we are lost in the noise? Who can hear what we want to hear? These are the questions the show explores and poses to the audience. 

Silence is ground zero, that’s where everything starts. And noise is the end point, from where the long and difficult road leads back to silence. 


Dancers: Krisztián Barna, Léna Horváth, Dávid Dabóczi, Edmond Kisbakonyi, Lídia Sinka 

Light: Zoltán Fogarasi 

Music by László Mádi 

Choreographer: László Mádi 

Production Manager: Kristóf Farkas 




Central Europe Dance Theatre | Hungary

CEDT is one of Hungary’s most innovative dance companies. Its unique repertoire strives for topicality and reflectivity. The group has chosen the diverse language of contemporary dance to raise everyday issues and respond to them. The Central Europe Dance Theatre, as its name suggests, is committed to a specific geographical region determining not only the main area of its activities but also the choice of themes and the unique world of movement. 

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