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Arti Grabowski explores himself and the Poles, summarising the national madness...

Katarzyna Bakielewska, Dokumentacja osobliwości

Panic Report

Arti Grabowski

Arti Grabowski is a natural entertainer, no doubt about it. He feels great in this surreal, over-the-top formula, almost always striking with precision – be it a stereotype or a narrative promoted usually for political reasons. He skillfully balances between bitter irony, comedy and seriousness.

Radosław Kobierski, Śląsk
The Panic Report officially premiered at the OFF Kontrapunkt in Szczecin in 2018, where it was awarded the main Zygmunt Duczyński Prize. It is an attempt to resuscitate an actor in an endemic performer. The collage performance is based on Roland Topor’s Journal in time and the author’s own texts. Each scene leads the audience to the panicky wilderness of stereotypical vices, oceans of phobia and swamps of hypocrisy.

Arti Grabowski

Marek Kościółek (Teatr Krzyk)

Daniel Jacewicz

The texts are based on the themes form the Journal in time by Roland Topor. The poem The Cask of Hatred by Charles Baudelaire was used in the script.

Performed by
Arti Grabowski

May 30, 2018, Szczecin