Watching Credit of Trust, or in fact participating in it, I was falling about the place laughing at myself without feeling embarrassed.

Konrad Sztuka, producent HBO na stojaka

Credit of Trust

Aneta Wróbel

This petite woman is a volcano. To erupt, she only needs an audience and a stage. (…) There are few cabaret artists, even amongst those seen on public television, that can make us laugh like Iza Kała.

Michał Maliszewski,

When it comes to personal development, it’s common knowledge that you either go forwards or… backwards. The Credit of Trust deals with the subject of coaching in a ruthless manner but also with a comical twist. A few unusual characters appear on the stage, although it is Iza’s one-woman show.

The theatre therapy session lasts one hour and teaches us to quell our fears, release emotions and hope for more.

Script and direction
Aneta Wróbel

Zuzanna Falkowska

Iza Kała

March 4, 2013

55 minutes

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