The Legends of the Świętokrzyskie Region

08.07: 16.00 Kraków | Small Market Square

fot. Anna Kaleta
fot. Anna Kaleta

The Legends of the Świętokrzyskie Region 

The production entitled The Legends of the Świętokrzyskie Region bears reference to the heritage of itinerant theatre and to the best European traditions of puppetry, with the use of hand puppets that less and less frequently appear on the Polish stages. The Świętokrzyskie region abounds in fairy tales, legends and tales passed down from generation to generation. They are full of magic, witchcraft, robbers, devils and witches. A visually attractive stage form combined with an interesting, humorous story is an excellent pretext for the youngest generation to explore magnificent cultural traditions of this part of Poland. 


Script: Elżbieta Chowaniec, Marek Zákostelecký

Dramaturgy and text: Elżbieta Chowaniec 

Direction: Marek Zákostelecký 

Set design, costumes and dolls: Marek Zákostelecký 

Music: Wojciech Lipiński 

Stage movement: Ewa Lubacz 


Performers: Rafał Iwański, Ewa Lubacz, Michał Olszewski, Beata Orłowska 


Premiere: Kielce, 2021 

Duration: 40 minutes 

The Stefan Karski Puppet and Actor Theatre “Kubuś” in Kielce | Poland

The Stefan Karski Puppet and Actor Theatre “Kubuś” in Kielce, in operation since 1955, is the only professional puppet theatre in the Świętokrzyskie Region of Poland. Its works are based on adaptations of the greatest works of both Polish and world literature, as well as on the dramaturgy created in contemporary times. During its 66-year history, “Kubuś” has won many prestigious awards for actors, creators and the company, including the Gold Medal for Merit to Culture “Gloria Artis”, awarded to the company in 2021. 

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