
4.09: 7:30pm Kraków | Main Market Square

5.09: 8:30 Kraków | Main Market Square

Fot. Lela Nonstudio

EL Macho, El Gentleman & El Grotesquo! Three Flamenco Latin Lover Stars duel like the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, winning respect from all the Carloses and the hearts of all the Marias. “Olé!” has all the exhilarating sounds from the rhythms of flamenco to salsa, swing, blues, jazz and pop. Virtuoso guitar, pop musical parodies, ping pong balls appearing out of nowhere, juggling fruits and eggs thrown by the audience, lightning speed flamenco dance, and fire coming from guitars, hands, and feet. One of American organisers of their show described them as Gypsy Kings of Comedy of Masters of Music who play guitars like Paco de Lucia and sing like Pavarotti… Let’s find out if it is really true!

Paul Morocco | Great Britain

As a member of the International Jongleurs Association, Paul Morocco, born in Virginia, performed at various comedy clubs throughout the USA. He cut his performing teeth on the streets of New Orleans. This is where he learned about the timeless craft of connecting with the audience and developing unique improvisational skills. He first performed Ole! at the London International Mime Festival in 1990 with Bill Bailey and Alessandro Bernardi. After a period of working with a number of inspiring musicians  and artists, Paul teamed up with Guillermo de Endaya and Marcial Heredia. Their shows have become cult hits all over the world.

Author: Paul Morocco

Performers: Alessandro, Paul Morocco, Miguel Sotelo

Duration: 45-60’

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