Zdjęcie portretowe, czarno-białe, lewy półprofil. Ujęcie od klatki piersiowej w górę. Starszy mężczyzna, łysiejący, włosy krótkie, szpakowate, gładko zaczesane. Czoło wysokie, brwi czarne, bardzo wyraźne, oczy wąskie, bardzo ciemne. Spojrzenie żywe, mocne, skupione. Nos wydatny, usta pełne, zamknięte. Ubrany w czarny sweter i czarną, rozpiętą przy szyi koszulę.

Jacek Strama

In 1971, he graduated from the L. Solski State Higher School of Theatre in Krakow.

He debuted on the Chamber Stage of the National Stary Theatre as Roger in Edward Albee’s play Everything in the Garden, which was directed by Jerzy Jarocki.

He performed at the Baltic Drama Theatre in Koszalin (1971-1973), Bagatela Theatre (1973-1974; 1982-1986), Ludowy Theatre (1974-1976), S. Żeromski Theatre in Kielce (1976-1979) and J. Słowacki Theatre (1986-1994). Since 2002, he has been the deputy director, and from 2012 to 2016, the director of Ludowy Theatre in Krakow.

He has won many acting awards, including the Wild Rose for the most popular actor of the season at the S. Żeromski Theatre in Kielce (1978, 1979, 1980), an award for the role of Oswald in H. Ibsen’s Ghosts at the FTPP in Toruń in 1973 and an award for the best male role (Edmund in Miro Gavran’s My Wife’s Husband) at the 9th TALIA Comedy Festival in Tarnów in 2005.

In 1994, Jacek Strama founded the AB Film Production company, where he produced over a dozen TV Theatre shows directed by, among others, Krystian Lupa, Mikołaj Grabowski, Rudolf Zioło, Agnieszka Glińska, Jan Kidawa-Błoński and Tadeusz Malak.

At the KTO Theatre, in the cast of The Sunshine Boys.

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