
Jacek Buczyński

Graduate of the A. Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw, Department of Puppet – Theatre Arts in Białystok.

Jacek performed on the stages of Lublin – the H. Ch. Andersen Theatre, the Kameralny Theatre, and Jelenia Góra – the C. K. Norwid Theatre, Teatr Animacji.

Working with the KTO Theatre since 1995, he was in the premiere casts of Jerzy Zoń’s productions, including The Tower of Babel, The Fragrance of Time, I’ll Sell the House in Which I Can Live No More.

Currently, he performs in all Krzysztof Niedźwiedzki’s plays produced at the KTO Theatre: Ink for the Left-handed. A Comedy of the Absurd, This Week’s Saints. A Comedy of Manners, TV Theatre. A Thriller Comedy and The Tuner of Combs.

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