The Bench

4.09 | 14.00 | Kraków, The Main Market Square, by the church of St. Adalbert

4.09 | 17.30 | Kraków, The Aleja Róż Avenue

5.09 | 14.00 | Kraków, The Podgórski Square

Photo. Tobia Serotini

A light-hearted story about common human interactions. The title bench represents random, mundane encounters we experience throughout our lives: on public transport, in the street or at a restaurant. The performance highlights these imperceptible duels, the subtle battles we engage in everyday: for a window seat on the train, a free table in the non-smoking area or a restaurant table with a nice view. An encounter of two individuals on a park bench turns here into an amusing story in which initial awkwardness, sly glances and mutual distaste lead to more and more absurd developments and a surprising conclusion.

Teatr Migro | Poland

The Migro Theatre was established in 2019 in Krakow at the initiative of the members of the KTO Theatre who wished to create their own projects. The artists of the Migro Theatre combine experience gathered during their work on the KTO’s indoor and outdoor productions with the themes they find interesting and with their own artistic inspirations, creating thus their own vision of street theatre.

direction, costumes and selection of music:
Justyna Wójcik

stage set: Adam Wójcik

choreography and performers:
Agnieszka Kuczmowska, Aleksandra Nowakowska, Justyna Wójcik



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