It’s not here, it’s over here

4.09 | 20.30 | The Podgórski Square

It's not here, it's over here-lage
Photo. Galmae

How does a crowd move? Do we move differently when alone, from when being amongst a large number of people? What is it that determines the “We”? What is an individual within a group? At the start, there is a stone. With the stone, there is a string. It is rolled up, tangled and we untangle it. We move about, avoiding collision and by negotiating our way we find our place. Eventually, there appears something that surpasses the simple sum of ndividuals. Shall we find the “We” at the end of the string?

Galmae | France/ South Korea

Galmae is driven by Juhyung Lee (KR), who discovered street theatre in 2012 while watching the show by Cie Générik Vapeur (FR) in Seoul. In 2015 he joined the FAi-AR (Higher Training of Art in Public Space) in Marseille (France), which he finished in 2017 with his first creation It’s not here, it’s over here. He is mainly interested in concepts of large-scale shows addressed to a multitude of people but with a focus on an individual within a group. His show encourages active participation of the audience.

production and direction:
Juhyung Lee

Olivier Brun

Charles-Henri Despeignes

Pierre Bougourd

executive producer:
Générik Vapeur

Francois Palanque

Gap, France, May 2018


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