There is a huge cage, and inside it there is Jerzy Zon as a small boy. The word still smells of safety but it is already quite tempting. While flocks of feathered fears already scare him, another company of birds entices him with their twitter. Little Zon will go for it. He will leave the cage and slowly begin the tasting of life. (…) Because there are more and more fragrances around him. The fragrance of the parish house, the priest’s cassock, the smell of chalk, a blackboard, a cathedral and the first mischief at school. The smell of cavalry, horses and a true manhood. Then the fragrance of the basic passions of heart. Finally the fragrance of today (…).

Who knows? Maybe the big Zon decided to take a look at the small Zon who had not yet dreamed about the theatre? After all, the time of childhood is a fundamental period for an artist.

Paweł Głowacki, Dziennik Polski, Kraków

Photos Michel Spingler

Teatr KTO - Instytucja Kultury Miasta Krakowa
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Ⓒ 2020 – Teatr KTO

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