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The Blind


Konin, Square in front of the “Na Skarpie” Amphitheatre
67GC+QP Konin
Konin, Poland

Date & Time:

July 13 , 21:30 - 22:30
Fot. Arkadiusz Szadkowski

The Blind

This monumental outdoor spectacle presented a few years after the coronavirus pandemic stopped the world seems to be an even more acute diagnosis of contemporary mechanisms, irrational choices, fear, dishonesty and disinformation.  Something that seemed fiction yesterday may turn out to be reality today… The Blind is a brutal image of the fall of an individual and his helplessness in the face of the mass, in which compassion and respect for another human being disappear. The script of this outdoor show is inspired by the top-selling novel of the Portuguese Nobel Prize winner José Saramago. Behind the extremely effective theatrical staging, there is a vivisection of social relations in an extreme situation: an epidemic, mass hysteria, forced isolation, a deprived sense of sight, wading through the darkness of horrible human behaviour.  The non-verbal nature of KTO Theatre’s performance makes the show understandable also for the viewers who have no command of Polish.  

The show, nominated in 2012 in Edinburgh for the Total Theatre Award in the category of physical/ visual theatre, has now been performed over 100 times, travelling around the world and attending 50 theatre festivals in countries such as Austria, Belgium, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, Germany, Iran, Mexico, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Scotland, South Korea, Spain and Ukraine.

Nazwa wykonawcy
Teatr KTO
Informacje produkcyjne
Script, direction, selection of music: Jerzy Zoń Set design: Joanna Jaśko-Sroka Costumes: Zofia de Ines, Joanna Jaśko-Sroka Choreography: Eryk Makohon Performers: Karolina Bondaronek, Bartek Cieniawa, Karolina Daniec-Franczyk, Magdalena Dymsza, Jacek Joniec, Danuta Kulesz-Różycka, Paulina Lasyk, Tomasz Łukawski, Filip Madeja, Adam Plewiński, Justyna Orzechowska, Grażyna Srebrny-Rosa, Mieszko Syc, Bartłomiej Zdeb, Marta Zoń Duration: 60’ Premiere: 18.06.2010, Kraków
Informacje o wykonawcy
The KTO Theatre was established in 1977. Its first production was The Garden of Delight. The initial ten performances were closed to the general public and presented to no more than several hundred people. In the following year, however, they were attended by the audience of nearly three thousand in Krakow and various Polish cities. In the 47th year of the company’s operation the statistics are considerably different: over 80 productions, performed indoors and outdoors in Poland and around the world, have been attended by more than three million people. The group has visited over 250 cities in over 40 countries on 5 continents. Its shows have been presented in Brazil, China, Iran, Japan, Canada, Colombia, South Korea, Costa Rica, Mexico, Tunisia, the USA and almost all European countries. The worldwide stature of the KTO Theatre has also been reflected in its involvement in numerous international projects. Among the most important ones there were Operation Opera, a show created together with the Norwegian National Opera in Oslo, and The Refugees, a theatre installation presented in Leipzig to the audience of 120 000 viewers on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Since 2021 the seat of the KTO Theatre has been located at 50 Jana Zamoyskiego Street in the Podgórze district of Krakow. It was created as a result of the revitalization of the former building of the Wrzos Cinema Theatre. The company’s director is Jerzy Zoń.
Skąd pochodzi
Dzień gry
July 13th
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