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Play Crowd


Cracow, Main Market Square, by the Town Hall Tower
Wieża Ratuszowa, Rynek Główny 1
Cracow, Lesser Poland 30-001 Poland

Date & Time:

July 5 , 18:00 - 18:30
© Directie & Co

Play Crowd

Play Crowd is a choreographical approach to the phenomenon of acting in a throng. The show plays light-footedly with the concept that trivial encounters with strangers in anonymous crowds can affect feelings of happiness and social bonds. All viewers want to participate in Play Crowd are given headphones in which they will hear a voice whispering instructions. “Stand close together. You are now so close you can smell each other and feel each other’s body heat. You will soon take part in a choreography you have never danced before. 

Nazwa wykonawcy
Directie & Co
Informacje produkcyjne
Concept, choreography: Yvonne van den Akker Soundscape: Yvonne van den Akker, Marije Nie Sound: Jeffrey van Haarlem Advice: Martijn Vorstenbosch Duration: 30’ Premiere: August 2023
Informacje o wykonawcy
Directie & Co is mainly focused on presentations of unconventional dance theatre with sublime visuals, prepared for festivals and site specific locations. In its shows the company manipulates the everyday world and produces a physical exaggeration of it. Thanks to the extreme proportions the invisible becomes visible, and details get more and more attention. What once seemed ordinary suddenly turns into something special.
Skąd pochodzi
The Netherlands
Dzień gry
July 5th
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