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Mrs Twardowska


Small Market Square (Mały Rynek)
Mały rynek
Cracow, Poland

Date & Time:

July 5 , 20:00 - 21:00
Fot. z materiałów Teatru Scena 96

Mrs Twardowska

Mrs Twardowska is a theatre production based on the ballad by Adam Mickiewicz under the same title and evokes a similar atmosphere full of fantastic events. To achieve this the show reaches for the means from the circus repertoire, such as acts and tricks, acrobatics, dexterity, finesse, fantasy, juggling and artistry. Check out why the devil himself was afraid of Mrs Twardowska! 

Nazwa wykonawcy
Teatr Scena 96
Informacje produkcyjne
Author: Adam Mickiewicz Direction: collective creation of the group Stage set and costume design: Maria Balcerek Music: Marcin Sosiński Production: Galeria Podpora Stropowa Performers: Maciej Dużyński, Dariusz Jarosiński, Katarzyna Mazur Duration: 50’ Premiere: November 2022, Warsaw
Informacje o wykonawcy
The Stage 96 Theatre was established in 1996 within the structures of the Stage 96 Association of Warsaw, an organization of artists, cultural activists and managers involved in the production of theatre and dance shows, festivals and educational workshops. The company is mainly focused on visual theatre, in which both form and music are important elements of each performance. It regularly presents its shows at the most important theatre meetings in Poland and on the stationary stage of the Szuster Palace in the Mokotów district of Warsaw.
Skąd pochodzi
Dzień gry
July 5th
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