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Max Wants a Dog


Small Market Square (Mały Rynek)
Mały rynek
Cracow, Poland

Date & Time:

July 6 , 16:00 - 17:00
Fot. Daniel Arbaczewski

Max Wants a Dog

Maks is six years old. He loves to draw and his imagination is the greatest in the world. He draws everywhere and on everything, though his mother is not always happy about it. He likes the most to draw chicken and dinosaurs, although sometimes they do not look quite like these creatures. He has already drawn his entire family. And Bruno. Bruno is a dog and though it is not quite real and a bit imaginary, still Max loves his dog the most. And in fact, he dreams of having a real dog. A dog that exists in reality. But what is a grandfather for?  

A performance in which the age of the audience does not matter.  Note! It is important that the members of the audience are not afraid of dogs (even of the imaginary ones), that they like theatre and know what the game of tag is all about. 

Nazwa wykonawcy
Teatr KTO
Informacje produkcyjne
Written and directed by: Daniel Arbaczewski Set design, puppets, costumes: Marta Ożóg Music: Hubert Pyrgies, Marcin Sojka Choreography: Eryk Makohon Performers: Bartek Cieniawa, Karolina Daniec-Franczyk, Magdalena Dymsza, Paulina Lasyk, Tomasz Łukawski, Grażyna Srebrny-Rosa, Mieszko Syc, Bartłomiej Zdeb, Marta Zoń Duration: 40’ A pre-release presentation
Informacje o wykonawcy
The KTO Theatre was established in 1977. Its first production was The Garden of Delight. The initial ten performances were closed to the general public and presented to no more than several hundred people. In the following year, however, they were attended by the audience of nearly three thousand in Krakow and various Polish cities. In the 47th year of the company’s operation the statistics are considerably different: over 80 productions, performed indoors and outdoors in Poland and around the world, have been attended by more than three million people. The group has visited over 250 cities in over 40 countries on 5 continents. Its shows have been presented in Brazil, China, Iran, Japan, Canada, Colombia, South Korea, Costa Rica, Mexico, Tunisia, the USA and almost all European countries. The worldwide stature of the KTO Theatre has also been reflected in its involvement in numerous international projects. Among the most important ones there were Operation Opera, a show created together with the Norwegian National Opera in Oslo, and The Refugees, a theatre installation presented in Leipzig to the audience of 120 000 viewers on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Since 2021 the seat of the KTO Theatre has been located at 50 Jana Zamoyskiego Street in the Podgórze district of Krakow. It was created as a result of the revitalization of the former building of the Wrzos Cinema Theatre. The company’s director is Jerzy Zoń.
Skąd pochodzi
Dzień gry
July 6th
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