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I’m Aflame


Limanowa, Main Square (Rynek)
Limanowa, rynek
Limanowa, Poland

Date & Time:

July 7 , 21:00 - 22:00
Fot. Sylwia Zawadzka

I’m Aflame

Nature, the laws that govern it, and in particular the element of fire – the primary cause of everything – are the main sources of  inspiration for the show. Fire: the symbol of life and death, love and fertility, creation, passion, destruction, struggle and purgation. This primeval energy sets its initiators “on fire”, and at the same time it turns into the visual matter of spatial images. Dance, music and the magic of fire become one, creating a colourful composition which makes the audience witness a peculiar ritual. 

Nazwa wykonawcy
Teatr Akt
Informacje produkcyjne
Performers: Karolina Banaszek, Marek Kowalski, Bartłomiej Kuźma, Agnieszka Musiałowicz, Tomasz Musiałowicz,Krzysztof Skarżyński, Katarzyna Stefanowicz Duration: 60’ Premiere: 2017
Informacje o wykonawcy
An independent theatre group operating in Warsaw since 1989. Pantomime has always been the starting point for its artistic exploration and practice. Its original performances combine attractive visual elements with physical theatre, pantomime, dance, circus and fire. Along with its work on the stage and on the street the Akt Theatre creates interactive performances and happenings. The company’s premises in the Praga district of Warsaw serve as a venue for a variety of cultural and educational projects, such as Sztuka Obrzeży (Art of the Fringes) or Grochów Grochów.
Skąd pochodzi
Dzień gry
July 7th
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