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A Body and The Other Objects


Cracow, Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Church of St. Adalbert
Rynek główny 2
Cracow, 31-042 Poland

Date & Time:

July 5 , 12:30 - 13:00
Fot. Rene Staebler

A Body and The Other Objects

What if we forgot all that we know about our body, only to find the lost innocence and discover what it is capable of doing and all that it holds within? The show redefines the human body as matter, as object, as container. Through the objectification of the body, the piece creates a poetic and explorative space which blurs the distinction between body and object and between the genres of circus and dance.  

Nazwa wykonawcy
Ana Jordão and Vincent Kollar
Informacje produkcyjne
Concept: Ana Jordão Performers: Ana Jordão, Vincent Kollar Duration: 30’ Premiere: 2023, Imaginarius Festival, Portugal
Informacje o wykonawcy
Ana Jordão is a versatile performer with expertise in contemporary circus, dance, improvisation, and artistic research. Her creative work blends circus and dance skills, and is fueled by a pure curiosity for experimentation. In 2022, she initiated an artistic project A Body and Other Objects exploring the interplay between hair-hanging (a traditional circus discipline) and other disciplines such as partnering, martial arts, object manipulation, and new magic.
Skąd pochodzi
Dzień gry
July 5th
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