Latest Past Events

Sin eater (act II)

Cracow, Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Church of St. Adalbert Rynek główny 2, Cracow

Act II  With lots of improvisation and interaction with the audience and live music, the Act 2 presents an original story about death, the afterlife and the gods – those known and those a bit forgotten. Inspired by the 18-century sin-eaters, the story leads viewers through various rituals of the afterlife in an amusing  and […]

A Body and The Other Objects

Cracow, Main Market Square (Rynek Główny), by the Church of St. Adalbert Rynek główny 2, Cracow

What if we forgot all that we know about our body, only to find the lost innocence and discover what it is capable of doing and all that it holds within? The show redefines the human body as matter, as object, as container. Through the objectification of the body, the piece creates a poetic and […]

Old Homestead

Small Market Square (Mały Rynek) Mały rynek, Cracow

Old Homestead is an interactive theatre installation which invites visitors of all ages to an old homestead with its wash-house, smithy, soap-works and even a privy. Particularly noteworthy are the installations for practising old-time activities, such as cutting and pickling cabbage, making pots, threshing and grinding grain. Children will be able to participate in old […]

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